Monday, April 26, 2010

Majority of British Columbians agree with Bill Vander Zalm; hell freezes over

Geologists at the Ministry of Energy and Mines are reporting cooling and hardening of the earth in British Columbia hindering natural gas mines and ground breakings on more casinos.

“We don’t have concrete proof but we think hell is freezing is over,” says geologist Rocky Loess. “With the majority of British Columbians agreeing with Bill Vander Zalm that the HST puts the burden of BC economic recovery on the people who can least afford it, it’s the only explanation we can think of."

Disgraced BC Premier Bill Vander Zalm was notorious for raising the ire of many of the same British Columbians he has aligned himself with.

Geologists don’t expect a referendum on the HST to keep hell from freezing over. “If Bill Vander Zahm thinks the HST is a horrible idea, how else do the Liberals plan to screw us?"

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