Queen's Logic

Queen's Logic was a monthly column for Xtra Vancouver that ran from 2005-2010. The column chronicled what it was like to be gay and living in Vancouver in the years leading up to the Olympic Games.

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These links will take you to xtra.ca, Canada's lesbian and gay news site. There may or may not be adult images accompanying these columns.

Boys That Wear Glasses 
(2.12.10) Lasik surgery envy.
Big Gay Resume 
(4.11.10) Lisping all the way to the interview.
Mind the Gap 
(7.10.10) Stuck between generations.
Following My Weird
(9.9.10) Radical Faerie camp.
Yard Mart 
(12.8.10) Selling my wares on the street.
(15.7.10) To medicate or not to medicate?
Mama's Boy 
(17.6.10) The only gay at the funeral.
iPad Therefore I Am
(20.6.10) Early adapting.
Follow the Leader
(22.4.10) Handing out pamphlets like the Jehovah's.
Finding the Gay at the Games
(25.2.10) Where are all the Olympic homos?
Whirling Dervish
(28.1.10) Why do they call it a cocktail when it doesn't make you drunk?
Keepers of the Flame
(31.12.09) Preserving queer memorabilia.
A DQ Xmas
(3.12.09) Waiting tables on Christmas.
Detachable Penis
(5.11.09) Cross your hardrive; we can see your privates.
My Left Foot 
(8.10.09) Learning to ballroom dance.
Back of the Line
(10.09.09) Freedom means never having to fence in Davie Street.
(13.08.09) Using clothing as a substitute for love.
Not My Proudest Moment
(16.07.09) Losing my patience in line for a port-O-potty at Victoria Pride.
Who's That Girl?
(18.06.09) My family still holds out hope I'll meet the right girl.
Call Display
(21.06.09) When the BCCDC calls.
September of my Porn
(23.04.09) Transferring all my old porn from VHS to DVD.
Straight Night
(26.03.09) When gay bars go straight.
Sexy Back
(26.02.09) Shaking my money maker.
Second Self
(29.01.09) Gay adventures in Second Life.
A Scanner Darkly
(01.01.09) When bars go too far.
Hail Mary
(03.12.09) Temping for Mary.
This Little Piggy
(06.11.08) Who are you calling thin?
Left Loosey
(09.10.08) The last left-leaning gay guy in Vancouver.
The Decorating Gene
(11.09.08) I can't even hang my pictures straight.
(14.08.08) My first pair of Ginch Gonch.
Food for Thought
(16.07.08) Breakfast with Patrick at the Elbow Room.
Longtime Companion
(18.06.08) Putting down the dog.
Getting Gay With B&E
(22.05.08) The name says it all.
Lessons From the Bible Belt
(23.05.08) If Tulsa Oklahoma can raise money to build and LGBT Community Centre why can't Vancouver?
Conservatives Everywhere
(26.05.08) Anticipating a Harper majority.
Vetruvian Man
(27.02.08) Nude yoga.
Adventures in Serosorting
(30.01.08) Love in a test tube.
Peer Pressure
(02.01.08) Joining the Facebook bandwagon.
Personal Jesus
(06.12.07) Jesus and friends.
Winter's Tale
(07.11.07) Avoiding gay bashers.
(10.10.07) Turning 40.
Accidental Activist
(13.09.07) Asking your boss to support the gays.
Faggy McFaggerson
 (16.08.07) Gays in TV commercials.
(19.07.07) Using science to spot gays.
Whoa Nelly
(26.07.07) Getting real at the Olive Garden.
Truth in Advertising
(24.05.07) Advertising gay sex in mainstream media.
Go Isotopes
(25.05.07) Queers for Canucks.
Trees Behaving Badly
(29.03.07) When the nature takes it out on the trails.
When to Play the AIDS Card
(01.03.07) When to use HIV to your advantage.
Class of 89'd
(01.02.07) Come back to the five & dime Michael Bennett, Michael Bennett.
Anatomy of a Hissy Fit
(04.01.07) It's hard out there for a homo.
Still Catholic
(07.12.06) Arguing Jesus with an Atheist.
No Place Like Home
(09.11.06) Renovictions and inaction.
Mirror Mirror
(12.10.06) Gay speed-dating.
Door Crashers
(14.09.06) Stepping over the homeless.
What Not to Wear
(17.08.06) Are metrosexuals protected under the Charter?
Don't Tread on Me
(06.07.06) Wearing the Maple Leaf over your heart.
Creatine & Chocolate Milk
(08.06.06) The ups and downs of creatine.
Subject Lines
(11.05.06) Making sense of punditry.
Fast Forward
(13.04.06) Can watching porn give you Carpal Tunnel?
Fresh Off the Boat
(16.03.06) Being gay and Portuguese before it was cool.
Fall Guy
(16.02.06) Does being gay and single make you lonely?
It's Not Easy Being Green
(19.01.06) Voting with my conscience and resenting it.
(22.12.05) A Clay Aiken Christmas.
Don't be Sucha Sofcho 
(24.11.05) Why can't straight guys take being called gay a compliment?