Friday, April 30, 2010

Conservatives institute man behind curtain

The Prime Minister’s Office announced today that it will officially institute a man behind the curtain in Parliament to distract the public from its right-wing agenda.

“We’ve been trying to pit the country against itself in a battle of left against right but it turns out the country as a whole is too close to the center for that,” said a source from the PMO who asked to remain anonymous.

In the past the PMO has attempted to divert the country’s attention from its right-wing agenda of ignoring human rights, integrating church with state, and raising taxes with such tactics as changing the lyrics of the national anthem, destroying a person’s credibility and accusing the CBC of being a propaganda outlet for the Liberal party.

“We came into office on a mandate of transparency,” the anonymous source says. “Instead of tricking you into keeping your mind off the real issues, we’re going to be blatant about it. That’s what strong leadership is.”

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