Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pharmacists know their stuff

I blame my lower back pain entirely on missing yoga for thee weeks. I haven’t had this much trouble getting up, bending over and sitting down since I was a barista. I’m grunting so much my neighbor knocked on the door to ask if I was okay.

Went to Shopper’s Drug Mart to self-medicate. Stood in the pain relief aisle not knowing which concoction was the most effective. I’m not really big on pills and painkillers (recovering Catholic you know) but since I don’t drink and tequila is not an option, it was this or suffer.

There was a sale on heat pads—booyah! —but as for medication I couldn’t decide if I wanted to go brand name or generic. It was early in the morning enough that there were no lines so I was able to find a pharmacist right away.

She pointed to the three generic brands. “This one has Robax and aspirin; Robax and Tylenol; Robax and Advil.”

Quick concise advice; how often do you get that?

I went for Tylenol. Advil gives me an uppy tummy.

While I was paying for the back medicine I also picked up a prescription my doctor had faxed in. My extended health plan covers my medication and I asked her if she needed anything else—my membership card or something.

“You need to pay for those,” she said, pointing to the heat pads and pills.


“Sorry. I’m in a lot of pain.”

“I understand,” said the pharmacist for whom English is not her native tongue. “If you weren’t in pain I would not understand.”

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